Friday, June 1, 2012

A "herping" we will go...

Thought this title might get your attention!  With Chris in Singapore for the Sundown 1/2 Marathon, Rox and Brenna decided to join some friends at the Botanical Gardens for a night walk.  We were guided by a herpetologist from the local university (Universiti Sains Malaysia or USM) to help us find some reptiles!  Hence the title of this blog...

So torches (flashlights) in hand (or on heads in our case), our group met at the Moon Gate and proceeded up the trail a short distance toward a small stream.  We found lots of frogs, toads, two lizards and one small snake.  We saw a few moths as well, but the best thing was listening to the kids every time something was spotted.  "Ahhh, what is it?  Let me through!  Is it poisonous?"  This last question, when answered "no", was followed by "Can you catch it?"  Our guide was very accomodating with the kids and caught a couple of the frogs and the small snake so they could touch them.  He even explained that all the shouting was okay because reptiles don't have ears:-)  They "hear" by picking up vibrations in their surroundings and by using their tongues to smell.  Great way to neutralize any concern with the shouting and keep it fun for the kids.

The Gardens were beautiful at night and we were lucky to catch a bit of a breeze.  We wrapped up by following the calls of a tree frog until we found it hidden amongst the bamboo.  This was just beside the road and so visible to passersby.  Those on bicycles or motorbikes would often issue a warning as they saw us combing through the bushes..."watch out for snakes la" (la is a common word used at the end of a statement or sentence - kind of like "eh" for the Canadians or "uh" for Americans).  Little did they know that was exactly what we were hoping for!!  It was great fun and we may do a little night walking ourselves one evening.

Yes, that is Brenna's finger touching the snake.  It was quite small and not dangerous!

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