Monday, April 25, 2011

Adventure Zone 2!

Well the day began with Roxanne setting off for her week in Singapore, We will be joining her on Friday! Brenna and I ate some Breakfast, and then headed down to catch a cab to Adventure zone, for her class play date. We arrived to find Ruby already there, Brenna and she headed off to play, then as the other kids in the class, Oliver and Aerin primarily, showed up, Brenna had lots of play friends to choose and spent time running around and sliding with them all. About half way through the day Aerin ran up to me to say that Brenna was crying, because she was homesick. I told her to bring Brenna to me. We talked about how it is ok for her to be happy here, playing with her new friends, but she was insistent on going "home NOW. i want back my buddy boy (hamster)" she eventually calmed down and went back to play. I think for her it finally became reality that we are here, and here for 2 years, not just a long vacation. I think another part of it is that she is having fun with her new friends and likes them, but is dealing with the fact that some of them will be gone at the end of this school year and she will have to make all new friends. I think for her the friends she has back in St. Pete have been consistent for a period of time, so change like she will experience here is not familiar to her, i think that in the end it will make her a stronger and more self confident young lady, for now just makes her sad....and that's ok! We were offered a ride by Kirsten (Aerin's mom) which was great, as it gave Brenna more time with her friends, and saved us some $$ on cab fare, tried to offer gas $$ but Aerin would not hear of it. Such really really good people we have gotten to know here so far, that is truly a blessing, from Jo, Olivers mom, to Kirsten and her husband, and the few parents of Brenna's classmates we have met, all of them have been so helpful! After we said our goodbyes to Aerin her mam and her brother and sister, we headed home to get some lunch. then we headed back to Gurney plaza, to look for a few things, a simple point and shoot camera, high on the list. Brenna also needed some sneakers, I man she has her keds like glitzy petz, but needed some shoes she could use at the soccer field and run around in. We scored on both, i ended up with a Panasonic Lumix camera, very nice at a good price and Brenna got some Adidas sneakers that should fit the bill nicely. We headed home, I made dinner and we worked on an assignment that Brenna has for school, about her "community", since we are so very new to this one, there was not much to say, so we spent a little bit of time on St. Petersburg, which is much more Brenna's community. She also has to dress in traditional garb from her country, we are at a loss, there are no "western" shops here, and we figured a cowgirl outfit would be perfect, she has her USF cheerleader outfit, we may just stick her in a pair of jean shorts and let her wear her USA themed butterfly shirt (the butterfly is in red/white/ blue sequins). We also have to cook a meal that is indicative of her country of origin, so we figured PB&J?? We thought about apple pie, but we have no idea where to get the ingredients. we thought strawberry PB&J it is!! hopefully there are no kids allergic to nuts!! So Brenna is back to school tomorrow and I will need to get my A$$ in gear to get some stuff to do!! I will be volunteering at the school on Tuesdays for "Guided reading", and the Soccer experience will take up some of my time...I think I will be ok!! Anyway, Another great day in Penang!! Goodnight all!!

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