Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Sunday, Monday and Tuesday

So Sunday saw us trek off to the newly opened TESCO, kinda like a walmart. It is always interesting to see what they have and there was some things that we needed. so we spent some time there, got some stuff for the house and some essentials, and headed home. Rox and I (I only helped a little) spent the rest of the afternoon and into the evening hanging more pictures. We only had one casualty...but it was only the frame, and just one corner, and Rox fixed it. The house is looking better all the time!!

Monday turned out to be a day of real illness and crying wolf. rox has had a stomach thing now since Saturday, today it was at its worst, with her back and forth to the bathroom, and at one point she was laying on the bathroom floor, because she new it was only a matter of time. i suggested the hospital or the Doctor, but she said no. Brenna decided that her stomach hurt also, and that lasted until around noon and then it was, "can we go to the mall, can we go to the pool". So we made the day as boring as possible. I am not sure when she is going to get it that if she stays home from school sick it is going to be a day of rest, and not a fun day...I guess never. Anyway. Monday was very laid back for everyone.

Tuesday (today) So The fourth of  July passed without so much as one rockets red glare or one bomb bursting in air...Today found me at the market in the AM, rox trying her best to kick this stomach bug, and Brenna at School. The rest of the day was not much more eventful than that...the AC guys came in to look at Brenna's AC unit and decided it needed to be replaced. Rita was a no show again...had to go to the insurance office about her car...This is still not going well. time to let her go. so not much happening these last 3 days, Rox has been sick, so we have not been doing much. Brenna has two more weeks of school and then the week after that we go to Langkawi. Fun!! Goodnight all!!

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