Friday, May 13, 2011

Back to school, Feeling better!!

So Brenna went back to school today, She was feeling better, the fever broke and the rash was gone. She was not happy, but seems to be getting used to the idea that we are not on vacation an that the two years here is happening!! I do feel bad for her sometimes, so much change for her, she is so brave and handles it so well, I forget that she is only want them to grow up so fast, and then when they are grown, you wish they were little again. It was a cleaning afternoon for me, and 3:00 came around fast! Brenna got home from school and we went over to the mall, she had wanted to go to the 7th floor, near the movies and check out the "toy machines" they are like gumball machines, but have all these small plastic toys, most of them are modeled after the Asian Anime shows. Brenna was very happy that the change machine that gave the tokens was working, and she got her girl doll, happiness!! I stopped by the Sony store, something there I wanted to see also. Back home we went. Brenna read and relaxed and I went out to the porch, it was very cool, for Penang, and there was a nice breeze, so I people watched for a while, its fun! Rox got home, takes her an hour + when it is, or has rained, we decided to go back to the Hawker stalls, some Char Koy Teow was on the menu. I also wanted to try the grilled duck tongue I saw last time. We figured that Brenna loved the Char Koy, so much last time that this would be easy, and as things are sometimes with the Boo, it was not...I think sometimes food to her tastes better if it comes off of someones plate...on hers it tastes getting her to eat anything was difficult. Roxanne and i enjoyed everything fully, and some fresh mango and pineapple juice topped it off!!
Back at home, we watched "How to train your Dragon" together, and then it was off to bed, Big day tomorrow, with Shopping at the Rasashaya, and then meeting one of Roxannes colleagues down on Armenian street to go through the art and antique district, may be a stop off at the Cheong Fatt Tze house for a tour (we have done that tour already, but it was good). Then some lunch at the "Soul Kitchen". No unanswered questions today...I am fearful of offending people here if they happen upon the blog. I am not trying to be offensive, but there are cultural quirks in every society (hell our kids walk around with their pants down) not sure that I should be deemed overseer of social protocol, little "arrogant American" not sure if I want to come off like that. Anyway, another great day in penang! Until tomorrow!! Goodnight!!

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