Monday, May 30, 2011

What a Day!! (Sunday)

May be one of the best Sundays in Penang, thus far!! I had my first race here this morning, so I got a very early 4:30AM start to the day, The race went very well, and I finished 9th in my age group, and from the looks of it, in the top 25 overall, so not a bad start to the racing part of this adventure!! I got home to find my girls still sleeping in, as it was barely 9:00AM I cant blame them!!. We had two things planned for this afternoon, Brenna and I to the Soccer experience, and Roxanne to the Gym! We figured it would be a light day at the experience as the Mn U vs. Barcelona game was on at 2:00 this morning, so we figured some parents and kids would be sleeping it off. Brenna and I had a good time, she had a tougher time today, getting hit once in the face and another time in the chest, the latter a pretty hard knock...she soldiered on though and kept playing...I really hope that this team sport experience gives he a bit of a tougher exterior and may be, just may be, puts the kibosh on some of the drama. Brenna played well and got another assist...her first goal is coming, I can feel it!! We had a nice lunch with out Friends Jo,Simon, and their son OB and Kevin who was headed to a play date with OB and is another kid in Brenna's class. Subway was the choice today as it is reasonable inexpensive, and close to the soccer experience. We had some good conversation, discussing some of the destinations around to visit over the summer. We walked back home, showered and changed quickly and got over to Gurney Plaza to check out Kung Fu Panda 2...The movies here are very different, as I think I have said once before, other than the cost which is very inexpensive. There is the process...seats are assigned, you must wait for them to open the theater that you will be seeing the movie in, no going in early, and the sound is at times unbearable, but we seem to be the only ones who have a problem with it...It was a really good movie, I recommend seeing it!! We exited the movie and then went right to get some groceries...just provisions, fruit/veg/meat this week will all come from the Pulau Tikas wet market!! That will be my adventure tomorrow. A nice relaxing night at home, followed by early to bed, we were a tired crew after a long day in the sun for Brenna and I and a good workout at the gym for Rox!! Great day in Penang today!! Goodnight all!! Will try and post Mondays at the proper time...I am even getting a bit screwed up with which blog goes with which day....

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