Friday, May 6, 2011

Of gym memberships, Cable Bills, and Coconut Oil.

Well today started way to early I managed to get a run in, but the soreness won out and it was short, that is for another blog. Brenna got off to school with no problem today, she is so over the goodbye daddy kiss and hug, she sees that bus and she is ready to go...its now more of a "Bye dad I love you!" from the window, they gotta grow up!! Anyway, after that i hitched a ride with our neighbor Nina to the Gym down the street (I was way too sore to walk the whole thing after my run). I got Roxanne and i signed up for a month to month plan, hers is unlimited and mine is mornings on weekdays and unlimited on the weekends. All of that for $180RM a month, that's like $40us a month for both of us!! Its a great gym too, all the latest machines, spin bikes, free weights...all of it!! Walked back from there, and then got myself off to the Astro cable office, waited for an hour to pay our bill only to find that credit only at the office, if you want to pay cash you have to go to the post office...I can pay just about every bill at the post office, electric, phone, cable, and I can mail stuff from there too...what a concept!! these people have it figured out!! Anyway, the walk back took me past an organic market I wanted to try out, I did not find much in there, but I will go back, as I did find some Coconut oil...I can get coconut milk in the grocery store now, good thing, because the rice milk is not cutting it, trying to find someone with raw milk, but there are no cows on the island, except for the ones I saw while running the other day, but they were in someones back yard, and looked more like the beef cattle variety than dairy, and they were chained to a post too...they might very well have been pets! So the trip back home took me till almost Brenna time, needed to get some groceries, so swung by the cold storage, then went out to wait for the bus, and people watch...That is a sport all on its own...I love people watching on Gurney is just way too cool!! Brenna got home, and she read and did some homework...I began though, starting with the walk from the bus daughter sounded like an Australian!! She has picked up the accent very well and at times it sounds very cute and at others a bit like Madonna trying to sound British because she lives in London...we explained to our little girl that people from Australia might be offended by her talking like them, that they may think she was making fun of them...she seemed to understand, but that did not stop her from turning on the accent at least a few more times, until we finally had to get on her about it. We went out to our FAVORITE dim sum place and had a good meal out, we noticed that they were setting up a stage in the gurney outdoor atrium, for some live music...which as we noticed when we got home, you could here from our kitchen with the windows open...totally cool. Brenna got to skype with her class tonight which went well, she does love and miss her friends from the US...I just wish that she could understand that liking her friends here too, does not change that...Ah well, it is what it is...Anyway, goodnight all!! a great weekend ahead!! ENJOY!!!

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