Thursday, June 9, 2011

A Busy Wednesday and The Therapist is in!!

Wednesday began with Roxanne again agreeing to stay home, so I could make it down to the soccer experience on time to work with the kids. I also had to get over to Toys R Us to get some stuff for the activities I wanted to do. I know that Sarah the woman who bag this program had a routine, but I had some ideas of my own, and I also have a decent network of therapists and teachers back in the sates that I thought I could add some new stuff to the program, no insult against what she had built! so after about $200RM at Toys R Us I felt ready for my 1st day with the kids. I headed down, got there early talked to my assistant Rhama, who was with Sarah and I wanted her to stick with it! We got the plan together for the day and went to it. The little kids were a good group, lots of kids to play and they seemed to have a good time. There were only two bigger kids, so we introduced "Frisbee football" to Pennag, and they really seemed to like it. It turned out to be a good class, and with a bit more marketing work, we may just be able to really grow the program, and Martin is very supportive, so that helps!! well following the work with the kids was our friendly match with the wine Bar folks, always a good time, even though today we got whooped. a good run though and I am reliving my high school and junior high days as a goalie. not the same as ice hockey at is fun though. I think I am a bit small to be a soccer goalie! following the match everyone usually hangs around for a bit, and today it was well worth it. one of the guys that we play with, Mahesh ( I think that is correct?), who is a good player on the pitch is also quite the Bagpiper as well, I was extremely impressed...i am telling you Penang never fails in its effort to surprise and astound me with the variety of its cultures and the variety of their abilities and talents. I would bet if i found a way to throw down a sheet of ice and get some skates and equipment, they would be able to play hockey in a few weeks!!
Mahesh on the pipes!!
Well another great day in Pennag, in the future I will try not to account for two days in one blog, i got a bit behind, so now we are caught up!!

Thursday began as a routine day, with Roxanne off to work and Brenna off to school. I found out an interesting fact at the bus stop, we should have been paying Mr. Heng the bus driver, monthly from the beginning...we have today I made sure that when I saw him, I paid him. I figure if we never paid him he might drop Brenna off somewhere on the it was a good thing I asked about that!! The rest of the day I relaxed, unexpectedly...I came home from the bus stop with the intention of running, instead I fell asleep!! not good, but that is covered on another blog. I was also hoping that Rita showed up, and well...she did not...I did get a text massage at 2:00pm (3 hours after she was supposed to be here) that she was in KL and would not be back till tomorrow, well thanks for letting us know. Next week will be the week of the discussion...not going to be fun. So after that Brenna was home from school, and a bit of a pill if I don't mind know the homework and stuff goes great for a few days then it all goes bad, and she goes back to being obnoxious and standoffish!! today was I cant do maths, I'm a girl and girls are no good at maths...we worked through it, she finished her homework and we got on with the night. Now the good part about today was not just all the other stuff, but also that I had my first massage client today, an Aussie gentleman, who had some calf (gastroc and soleus) and hamstring problems...I think it went pretty well, he wants to come back next week, so that bodes well. We will see, pretty exciting that it only took me 2 months to get this going...wish it would have been sooner, but "beggars cant be choosy". So despite the difficulty with Rita, and Brenna's homework meltdown, it was another good day in Penang!! Until tomorrow!! goodnight!!

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