Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Well Rita our help was supposed to be here today, but since she just no showed on Thursday, I am not prepared to wait around for her anymore, and I have a responsibility that I have agreed to with Brenna's school. I volunteered to do guided reading on Tuesdays, and i don't want that to suffer, especially when Rita showing up when she is supposed to is hit or miss (I will be discussing this with her on Thursday). So I Ran this morning, and then went to Brenna's school (by Taxi). guided reading is always fun, they are great kids and although they are still kids, the genuinely seem to appreciate you being there and giving your time. I walked home from school, despite it being a bit drizzly (the rain sometimes makes it cooler). Got home, and had may be an hour before Brenna was home, so I cleaned a bit. Went down to the street to get Brenna from the bus, and she was able to get her homework done. Rox got home a bit later, so we got a quick dinner, and then relaxed the rest of the night. We are really finding that the days are becoming more routine...so not much to write about. tomorrow will be an interesting day, as I take over a youth sports program at the Soccer Experience...not sure how it will go, I hope well, but I have not worked with kids like this in some time. After that is over, I have my regular Wednesday pick up game, so it will be a busy day for me... Until tomorrow!!

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